Terms and Conditions

Welcome to pinkwhatsApp.org!


Pink WhatsApp is eligible for users over 13 years of age. If your age is under 13 don’t register your account.

Registration and Account:

Your accurate phone number and name is required for the registration of your account.

Use of the Service:

Pinkwhatsapp provides a messaging app that allows you to send and receive messages and share media files. Make sure your shared data does not contain illegal and abusive activities. If you violate these things your account can be terminated.

Privacy and Data Protection:

Pinkwhatsapp takes your personal information just to provide you with services. Our privacy policy explains how we collect use and protect your data.

Intellectual Property Rights:

Whatsapp and its fellows have full rights to intellectual property related to WhatsApp service. You have given no right to modify, copy, share, show, reproduce, publish, license, create new things from, transfer, or sell any information or content you get from using WhatsApp without asking permission from the company first.

Third-Party Services and Content

Pinkwhatsapp.org has many links to third-party websites. The company is not responsible for data provided by those websites. You can use third-party websites at your own risk.

Modification and Termination

Pinkwhatsapp.org has the right of modify or suspension of the service at any time without informing the user.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The company is not responsible for any specific purpose you have in mind. WhatsApp is not making any promise about the quality, performance, or compatibility of their service.  They provide services without any warranties.

If you face any glitches, or it doesn’t work according to your expectations, the company is not answerable for it.

Limitation of Liability

In case of unintended damages (consequences from something else), Minor damages (unplanned costs from an incident), Special damages (like loss of profits or opportunities), Momentous damages (further losses caused by an event), Disciplinary damages (penalties for bad behavior)  pinkwhatsapp.org   is not responsible for it. You can use WhatsApp at your own risk.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

In case of a violation of the terms and conditions of the company, the issues will be handled according to the laws and regulations of the specific country state, or region.

Disputes must be resolved through a process called binding arbitration. This process is a neutral and independent third party that will judge the issues between both parties without going to court.

The arbitration process is based on rules or procedures that are already known usually by an arbitration institution.

The following are the terms:

  1. Disputes are administered according to the laws of the specified location.
  2. Issues are resolved outside the courtroom with the help of the arbitration process.

This describes the lawful mechanism and process that will follow if there are any differences in the WhatsApp Positions of Service or issues from consuming the app.


  1. The Terms and Conditions are the agreement between the user and the company regarding WhatsApp Service.
  2. If anything is unlawful or doesn’t come under the rules and regulations That specific part will be removed permanently.
  3. In case of invalidity of any part of the terms and conditions doesn’t finish the effect of the whole agreement.

By using pinkwhatsapp.org, you admit that you have read, agreed, and assumed to be bound by the above Terms and Conditions.